Jungle Book Wiki

β€œIt's Better To Be Fashionable That Functional.”

β€” Jenny Wakeman

Jenny Wakeman Is a Young Robot Who Can Save The World And Help Simba Defeat Scar.

My Life As A Teenage Robot[]

Season 1[]

Pest Control[]


Raggedy Android[]


Sibling Tsunami[]


Season 2[]

Escape From Cluster Prime[]


Season 4[]

The Legend Of Darkness[]


Jenny Replaces Iron Man[]


Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl[]

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2[]

Nickelodeon Kart Race 3[]

Super Smash Bros. Galaxy[]

The Lion King The Movie[]


Final Smash[]

Special Power[]




The Lion King The Movie[]

Jenny Wakeman: You...never...let..me..do...

(Jenny Strike A Pose)

Jenny Wakeman: Anything I Want!

(Jenny Equipped With Mighty Mallets And Starting To Smashing Floor 3 Times)

Jenny Wakeman: Work! Work! Work!

(Marty Watches Jenny Smash Wall 3 Times With Fists of Fury In Horror)

Jenny Wakeman: I never get to have any fun!

(Jenny Equipped With Laser Limbs And Starting To Shooting)

Jenny Wakeman: If you don't let me go I'll... I'll-

(Alex Suddenly Climb Back On Window With Jenny)

Alex: Are you nuts? You Need To Waiting For Your The Battle.

(Jenny Starting To Cry As Alex Watches)

Jenny Wakeman: Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!

Marty: With Her Rally. So why can't I?

My Life As A Teenage Robot[]

Season 1[]

Pest Control[]

"Aaaaugh! Get Out, Get Out, GET OUT!?" - When Jenny Noting Rats

Raggedy Android[]

Jenny Wakeman: You...never...let..me..do...

(Jenny Strike A Pose)

Jenny Wakeman: Anything I Want!

(Jenny Equipped With Mighty Mallets And Starting To Smashing Floor 3 Times)

Jenny Wakeman: Work! Work! Work!

(Jenny Equipped With Fists of Fury And Starting To Smashing Wall 3 Times)

Jenny Wakeman: I never get to have any fun!

(Jenny Equipped With Laser Limbs And Starting To Shooting)

Jenny Wakeman: If you don't let me go I'll... I'll-

(Nora slides into view)

Nora Wakeman: Don't you raise your lasers to me, young lady!

(Jenny Starting To Cry)

Jenny Wakeman: Waaaaaaaahhhhhhh!

Super Smash Bros. Galaxy[]

Dark Pit's First Intro[]

Dark Pit: Look who finally caught up!

Jenny Wakeman: What's a Matter With You?

Jenny Wakeman: You From The Underworld Army? That's What YOU Thinking?

Dark Pit: Don't be ridiculous! I just don't like the idea of someone copying my act.

Jenny Wakeman: What?! But You Are Just Copy Of Clones!

Dark Pit: Come on now. Think about it. If I was a copy, why would I kick my own butt?

Dark Pit's First Defeat[]

Dark Pit: Augh...

Dark Pit: Y-You Brooking MY Heart...

Jenny Wakeman: If You'd Started By Surrendering, We Could Have Avoided All This!

Dark Pit: No, No, No! Now You've Really Done It! You'll pay for what you've done!

(Dark Pit flies away.)

Jenny Wakeman: How's Really Happening...

Dark Pit's Second Intro[]

Dark Pit: You Again! This Is All Your Fault. You Keep Getting My Way!

Jenny Wakeman: Don't Be Mad Like a Real Teenage Angel.

Dark Pit: Palutena says jump, you jump. She says fight, you fight. It sounds like a very satisfying existence. For her, that is.

Jenny Wakeman: I'm Always Believe To My Mom!

Dark Pit: The Mirror of Truth doesn't lie. I'm a reflection of your true self. So maybe your faith in her isn't quite so absolute after all.

Jenny Wakeman: You Always Know To What Happen, You Just a Dark Angel. As The Magic Of Mirror, Is No More To Creating, You Always Don't Know How.

Dark Pit: Looks like I touched a nerve. Methinks the puppet doth protest too much.

Jenny Wakeman: So, Ready To Surrender?

Dark Pit: OK, fine. Do what you want. Or rather, keep doing what she wants. But I, for one, refuse to be a puppet. These wings take ME wherever I want to go!

Jenny Wakeman: I'll Defeat first!

Dark Pit's Second Defeat[]

Dark Pit: Ugggghhhh...GAH!

Jenny Wakeman: Yes, Yes, Yes. You Already Lost.

Dark Pit: You Pay For This...

(Dark Pit flies away.)

Jenny Wakeman: How That Dark Angel Was Creation...

Dark Pit's Third Intro[]

Dark Pit: Oh, it's you.

Jenny Wakeman: That's Right, Dark Angel. You Dare Destroy Everything, Why Are You Do That!

Dark Pit: Ha, I'm Always Beat You Once Again. Once I Win, You Will Never Catch Me.

Jenny Wakeman: Oh Yeah, Now Let's Fight!

Dark Pit's Third Defeat[]

Dark Pit: How Many Time I Defeated Last Time...

Jenny Wakeman: Now That When I Call a Victory.

Dark Pit: Fine, I'll Beat You Next Time!

(Dark Pit flies away.)

Jenny Wakeman: Uh-Oh, Now What.

(A massive fire ball descends from the sky and explodes on the Temple Ruins.)

Jenny Wakeman: Now What's Going On.

(Jenny Wakeman quickly Escape away from the explosion.)

(Jenny Wakeman approaches the outside of the Reset Bomb Forest.)

Jenny Wakeman: What Is This Place.

Dark Pit's Final Intro[]

Dark Pit: Took you long enough.

Jenny Wakeman: Huh...It's You?!

Viridi: I See You Already Meet New Members Of Forces Of Nature.

Jenny Wakeman: R-Really... You Working For Goddess Of Nature...

Viridi: Actually, Dark Pit works for me now. He's an officer in the Forces of Nature.

Jenny Wakeman: Oh Man...

Viridi: Just because we fought together once doesn't mean we're all buddy-buddy now. In fact, the Lightning Chariot and Phosphora are also both under my command. The battle isn't over yet!

Dark Pit: Viridi's interests and mine just happen to overlap, so for this fight, I'll be happy to launch you into the stratosphere!

Jenny Wakeman: So You Have New Power Here, Huh.

Viridi: It all comes down to skill!

Dark Pit: In Fact, I Work WITH Viridi Now. She And I Simply Came To An Arrangement That Benefits The Both Of Us.

Jenny Wakeman: For What, You Will Help Her To Destroy Everything Too.

Dark Pit: Actually! I Could Care Less About These Petty Wars The Gods Waging On Each Other. Usually, I Wouldn't Bother, But I'd Never Pass Up An Opportunity To Kick Your Sorry Butt.

Jenny Wakeman: Then Let's Fight!

Dark Pit's Final Defeat[]

Dark Pit: Ngh...

Jenny Wakeman: Next Time You Never Help Her Destroy Everything, So Everything Has Safe Now Hehehehehehe...

Dark Pit: NGH! This Isn't Over! I'll Win Next Time!

(Dark Pit flies away.)

Jenny Wakeman: Come Back Here, You Dark Angel! What Ever, I'll Keep Save Everything What I Want.

Dark Pit's True Intro[]

Dark Pit: Hehe... We Meet Again.

Jenny Wakeman: You Again?! I'll Defeat You For The Last Time!

Dark Pit: Hehe... You Don't Scare Me. I Won't Let You Beat Me.

Jenny Wakeman: Say What You Want. I'll Beat You.

Dark Pit: No Way. I'll Stop You. Viridi, Let Me Fly! Now! ... I Said: Let Me Fly! I Need To Fly?!

Jenny Wakeman: You Goddess Of Nature Is Sleeping. Gee, That Won't Happen. Give It Up, Dark Angel. Or Else.

Dark Pit: Oh, Please. I Might Just Defeat You And Call Her Back. Let's Fight!

Dark Pit's True Defeat[]

Jenny Wakeman: So, What Do You Say, Dark Angel.

Dark Pit: Just wait till next time!

(Dark Pit flies away.)

Jenny Wakeman: Phew, I Finally Defeat Him. I'll Keep Going.

Battle With Dark Pit[]

Dark Pit: I'll Show You Once And For All, Jenny, Which Of Us Is The Ultimate Darkness!

Jenny Wakeman: Oh Man, I Have a Nightmare For This...

Loss The Battle With Dark Pit[]

Dark Pit: Hehe...These Weapons Have No Match For Me.

Jenny Wakeman: Oh Man, My Nightmare Is Totally Come True.

Win The Battle With Dark Pit[]

Dark Pit: I'll Be Back, I'm All Avenge.

Jenny Wakeman: Now That's When I'm Defeat Dark Angel.


Heroes Team[]

Christmas Team[]